The Leadership Behaviours Profile is a powerful and practical multi-rater feedback tool.

Combining a number of contemporary leadership theories, it provides constructive feedback to help improve and develop performance as an authentic, self-aware leader.

Includes an assessment of a leader's level of emotional intelligence - a characteristic increasingly associated with effective leadership, helping a leader make the right decisions in challenging situations. 

A rich source of detailed feedback from key stakeholders which emerging and established leaders can leverage to improve personal and business performance.

Leadership Behaviours Profile
Leadership Behaviours Profile
  • Provides feedback and advice on the importance of different aspects of leadership in an individual's current role
  • Combines a number of concepts of contemporary leadership theories
  • Can be used as a framework to review an individual’s leadership performance
  • Excellent anchor for coaching discussions
  • Practical focus 
  • Includes feedback on levels of emotional intelligence
  • Follow-up Pulse Report offers a snapshot of progress along an individual’s leadership journey
How to access

Why is leadership development important? 

In a rapidly changing business environment, well-informed and adaptable business leaders are fundamental for an organisation’s transformational growth.

An organisation with a strong leadership team who have necessary skills and resilience is more likely to survive in a volatile, unpredictable business environment.

Without knowledgeable, self-aware, authentic leaders at the helm, organisations become vulnerable to operational inefficiency, competitive disadvantage, decreased team morale, and more.

Having development tools to identify how a leader can grow in their role is essential to their successful development journey - and to long term organisational success.

Research shows that leadership development enables leaders of organisations to drive prolonged success by effectively steering strategy execution; ensuring there's a focus on talent attraction and retention; and being more successful in navigating organisational change. 

Applications include

  • Reframe how you talk about leadership culture
  • Develop emotionally intelligent leaders
  • Support long-term development
  • Enhance coaching conversations
  • Support established, emerging or aspiring leaders
  • Unlock personal potential and improve performance
  • Improves stakeholder engagement
  • Stimulate discussion around management style
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Leadership Behaviours Profile

How to access

Want to use the Leadership Behaviours Profile with the teams and individuals you work with?

Choose the option that best meets your needs...



Complete one of our authorised certification programmes to use the Profile yourself



Personal & Team Development

Half- and full-day sessions delivered by our expert team


Profile + Feedback

Your own individual Profile with feedback from one of our experienced facilitators

Everything starts with a conversation...

so why not call us to see how we can help you?

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