An unpredictable, sometimes complex, business environment means leaders need to constantly adapt their strategic approaches.
Having the right team in place to successfully implement the necessary changes is crucial to success.
So how do you identify the right blend of skills that are required in your team, and more importantly, how can you utilise these skills in times of organisational change?
If your team always focuses on opportunities, it may prevent them from seeing potential obstacles. If they focus too much on seeing obstacles, they may miss opportunities.
Our Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient (QO2) Profile explores whether individuals tend to focus more on seeing opportunities or obstacles and their probable approach to innovation, change and risk at work.
Individual results can also be combined into team maps which gives a deeper understanding from a team perspective, a valuable insight for improved communication and decision making, more effective problem solving, and stronger clarity around the achievement of your business goals
All our TMS profiles are endorsed by the British Psychological Society and provide feedback based on extensive research into individual success and high-performance teamwork.
Using our QO2 Profile will:
Contact us today to discover how we can help you develop individual and team resilience in times of change and uncertainty
so why not call us to see how we can help you?